Important Tips For Selecting And Maintaining Full Lace Wigs

By April Briggs

Whether someone has lost hair due to cancer treatment or alopecia, or just wants a different look for a special event, a wig can achieve this effect. One of the most popular types are the lace wigs, which consist of a lace cap worn tight to the scalp along the wearer's hairline with realistic-looking tresses that appear to be actually growing from the scalp. They come in a wide assortment of styles, and can be worn in many ways.

Because most of these wigs are manufactured from human hair, they not only provide a natural look, but also allow the wearer to style them any way they wish. Full lace styles cover the whole head, whereas lace frontals and lace front wigs only provide added fullness in the front and cover that area.

Durability of the wig primarily depends on how well it is maintained. With proper care, it may remain looking good for several years. If they are applied with an adhesive product, they may last as long as two or three weeks before reapplication is needed, in particular in those who have lost their natural hair as there is better adhesion.

Wig caps come in several colors, which should be chosen according to the wearer's natural skintone along the hairline, not the whole body. Transparent is best suited for those with a light complexion, beige is ideal for medium to tan skintone, and light or dark brown is appropriate for those with a darker color skin.

Hair types differ by thickness, sheen, weight, and texture. Wearers who desire a wig which is easy to dye and style may prefer the Chinese remy style, which also offers superb thickness, while those looking for matte waves may choose Mongolian remy, and wearers who want a sleek, silky look are likely to opt for the Indian or Malaysian remy designs.

Wearers must learn the proper method of applying and securing the wig if they want it to look its best. If there is natural hair it should be covered with a wig cap or cornrowed close to the scalp, the lace on the wig will need to be trimmed carefully to fit the hairline correctly, and it must be secured properly with combs and glue. Pulling a few baby hairs or strands of one's own hair through can help make the hairline look more natural too.

A wig stand should be purchased for safe storage of the wig as this will help it keep its shape. For washing, use two spray bottles, one containing a water/shampoo solution, and the other containing a water/conditioner solution. Spray wig with shampoo mix and comb it through then rinse out and repeat with the other bottle, pat dry and place it on the stand to continue drying.

Wigs fashioned from human hair can be styled more or less the same as one's natural hair. It is safe to use blow dryers, curlers, curling irons, and straighteners on remy hair wigs, but it's not advisable to try to straighten a very curly design, as it will likely go frizzy. If wearing the wig to bed, wrap one's head in a protective scarf and use a satin pillowcase.

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