How To Dress In Unique And Modest Islamic Clothing

By Mark Schmidt

In the Islamic religion, dressing is a very crucial part of the religion. The faith expects that the followers dress in a modest manner. Men are prohibited from gazing at a woman that they have no relationship ties. Women are expected to protect their beauty by wearing clothes that are decent. These rules and regulations have made it hard for the modern Islamic community to choose what to wear. However, with these modern times, designers have paid more attention to the religion and in the development of modest Islamic clothing. Here are some of the ways that you can dress to remain modern and still meet the expectations of the religion:

The main aim for dressing decently is to pay respect to Allah. Previously, both men and women were expected to wear long and loose clothes that cover their entire body. However, with the changing times the men and women have ventured into modern dressing codes. Women have been seen to wear less concealing clothes while men wear shorts.

Women mainly wear abayas that is a long robe that is loose and flows from the shoulder to the toe. It is made of thick translucent material. Although this type of dressing is still very common, we have seen it change. They are now mostly decorated with embroidery, jewels and patterns. This allows the Muslim women to enjoy a change in their fashion styles and create more vibrancy in their clothing.

In the Islamic religion, the hair of a woman is sacred and they have to ensure that it is covered every time that they leave their homes. They are only allowed to show their hair to their husbands and their close family. They wear hijab to cover their hair. Normally, the hijab was black with no patterns. However, designers are now developing hijabs of different colors and with patterns that avoid boredom in their clothing.

With men, their dressing is simple as they are not expected to hide their hair or even hide their entire body. They can wear either loose or average outfits. Men usually wear robes known as Jubbas. They are usually worn on special occasions and even when going to mosques. The robes can be custom made with patterns and colors of choice included.

Men are expected to wear cloaks that are long and cover their bodies. However, it is not compulsory for them to wear these garments in normal days. These religious attires are worn when they have a celebration or an event. When shopping for Islamic clothes for men, you require comparing the different prices offered in different stores and the quality of the clothes.

There is different type of Islamic clothing in the market. However, when choosing the right fit, it is important that you consider the different styles from different regions. The online market allows you to shop for Islamic clothing from all over the world which gives you limitless designs. Secondly, you can choose to have your own designer that will develop any type of clothing you need.

The Islam faith is very strict when it comes to dressing. The designers now aim at designing modest outfits that are accepted by the religion. You can purchase the outfits locally or online but make sure that you purchase the clothes that are not only acceptable but also fashionable.

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